This targeted training series has all the materials needed to run training for learners interested in pursuing a career in manufacturing. Soft skills, essential skills, and technical skills are integrated.
The training has been developed to be delivered over 12 sessions, with an optional 13th session. The optional 13th session is intended for learners to take part in a mock interview by appointment. Each session will take 2-3 hours. Each session has a PowerPoint. There is one learner workbook that is used for all twelve sessions. There are individual handouts and/or answer keys in some of the sessions. In addition, there is a sample learner plan template with suggested milestones that can be used by Employment Ontario funded programs. Employment Ontario Literacy and Basic Skills agencies are required to determine a learning style for each learner. This has been referenced in the learner handbook. However, a learning style survey is not provided in the materials. You can use the learning style survey you are currently using at your agency.
All of the materials that have been created can be personalized for your agency with your own logo. They are either Word documents or PowerPoint documents. Materials from other sources that have been included as examples or resources are PDF’s and cannot be personalized.
The full package can be downloaded below.