About Us

Who We Are​

Laubach Literacy Ontario (LLO) is a volunteer-driven, non-profit charitable organization dedicated to increasing literacy in Ontario, guided by the principle of “Each One Teach One”. LLO has been in existence since 1981 and incorporated since 1992.

We Believe In

• Enhancing the quality of life of Ontarians through literacy.
• Achieving our goals through cooperation and partnership.
• Maintaining a high standard of service to students and the community.


Laubach Literacy Ontario provides training, resources, and services to meet the changing needs of our members and adult students to create a stronger, more literate Ontario.


An Ontario where all adults have accessible and relevant opportunities to enhance their lives through literacy.


  • We value adult learning principles: we learn with purpose, we learn through experience, we learn and express our knowledge in different ways, and we are exploratory.
  • We value accountability to our community and transparency in our decision-making.
  • We work in collaborations and partnerships because we value how diverse perspectives make our organization stronger and our work more relevant.
  • We value knowledge that comes from research, practice, and experience.
  • We value the knowledge of people who learn in literacy programs. We engage with students and encourage leadership and knowledge mobilization in order to strengthen people and the literacy field.
  • We value the knowledge of people who work and volunteer in literacy programs. We create opportunities for peer mentorship, peer review, and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange in training, certification, at workshops and at conferences.

Customer Service Charter

Laubach Literacy Ontario believes in quality service and will follow up on feedback in the manner and timeframe outlined within our Customer Service Charter.

Annual Report

Our latest Annual Report can be downloaded here.

Board of Directors

Please see  Six great reasons to join the Laubach Literacy Ontario board if you are interested in joining this dynamic team!

President: Vandra McQuarrie
Literacy Nippissing, North Bay


Vandra has worked in literacy for more than 25 years.  She has worked as a Program Coordinator and LBS instructor. She has worked in community-based, school board and college programs. In 2010 she was part of the OALCF development team and worked on competencies D, E and F.  

She has been training tutors for many years, but not under the LLO system until recently.  

Vandra would like to be to have a greater voice for northern programs and for the special circumstances they face.  She would like to be at the forefront of any new LBS initiatives so we are able to give the best service to the learners.

Treasurer: Helen McLeod
Hamilton, Ontario


Helen grew up surrounded by books. Books, reading, and trips to the library are part of her most cherished childhood memories. When she had children of her own, snuggling up and reading to her children was without doubt a favourite part of parenting.

In the spring of 1989, Helen attended a Literacy Information Session and learned of the need for volunteer tutors. She signed up that evening. Little did she realize at that time, how that small step would forever change the direction of her life! After attending a 2-day Volunteer Tutor Training Workshop she became certified by Laubach Literacy of Canada as a Basic Reading and Writing Adult Literacy tutor. She was then matched with her first student, which was life changing for both.

Over the past 40 years, Helen has worked in the field of literacy as a Small Group Instructor, a Tutor, and Small Group Program Coordinator, and as Executive Director of The Hamilton Literacy Council. She is a Certified Laubach Master Adult Literacy Tutor and Trainer. She has volunteered on the boards of directors for literacy agencies at the local, provincial, and national levels and continues to volunteer as a trainer.

Gary Porter
Barrie, Ontario


Gary previously served on the LLO board for 6 years. During this time he spent 2 years as the Vice-Chair and 3 years as Chair. Gary was a board member at the Barrie Literacy Council fof 7 years.   

He received the prestigious Canada Post Award in 2003.  He has been a guest speaker at numerous events including AGM’s, Kiwanas, Schools, Literacy Awareness Day and Queen’s Park Day. 

As a prior student representative and chair of the Student Committee at LLO he has been a mentor for many new students.  In 2015 Gary became a certified Laubach Literacy Tutor.  His goal is to help LLO in supporting its member agencies help adult learners reach their goals.

Jo Cryderman
Literacy Society of South Muskoka


Jo is an LLO Master Tutor-Trainer. She has been Program Manager for the Orillia and District Literacy Council for 9 years and Program Manager for the Literacy Society of South Muskoka for 16 years.

She was also an LBS instructor for Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) Gravenhurst Alternate Education & Training Centre. She implemented a 3-month pilot project for TLDSB at Fenbrook Correctional Institution working with inmates on PLAR and is one of the founding members of Blue Skies Men’s Residence Board of Directors. Jo has been training secondary school students in Huntsville as volunteer tutors for elementary school students for the past decade.

She has received the Jubilee Award for her contribution to literacy.


Jo feels that she can contribute her time and energy to ensure that adults in Ontario will be able to benefit from the services of LLO for years to come. She feels that LBS practitioners (like herself) must make sure the Provincial/Federal governments recognize and acknowledge the necessity of their services in every community – urban and rural.

She hopes to learn more from the people who have served on the LLO Board of Directors so that she is able to contribute her skills as they are needed.

Jaclyne Edmondson
Good Learning Anywhere


Jaclyne has been an instructor for over 7 years teaching various subjects that include digital technology skills, employment skills, communication and language skills (including ESL), mathematics, and more! 

Within Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS), Jaclyne’s role is to develop, administer and teach courses to adult learners across Ontario; specifically in northern, isolated, and/or Indigenous communities. Jaclyne is a Good Learning Anywhere (GLA) online mentor and instructor for Sioux Hudson Literacy Council (SHLC). Previously, she was an instructor for the Adult Learning Centre (ALC) in Cochrane, Ontario. 

As a mentor, ally, advocate, and friend, Jaclyne has a passion for focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) surrounding literacy. She believes that literacy resources should be accessible and barrier-free for all. Her goal is to utilize and build upon her current knowledge and skills surrounding DEI, digital technology,
and LBS while serving on the Laubach Literacy Ontario (LLO) Board of Directors.

Student Representative: Jack Osborne
Literacy Nipissing


My name is Jack. l’m so glad to be the next student rep.  l live in North Bay. l help out down at my Council and l love doing it. I watch all sports and  l  like to go out hunting and fishing.  l do some yard work and l love doing it to keep me pretty busy.