Organizational members provide literacy delivery services in Ontario; are not-for-profit agencies (or affiliated with a non-for-profit agency) and support the mission, aims and purposes of Laubach Literacy Ontario.
Annual Membership fee: $50
- Organizational Member discounts at Laubach Literacy Bookstore of 30%
- Organizational Member discount at our annual conference
- Receive Express- LLO’s bi-monthly e-newsletter
- Toll free telephone number advertised widely for public awareness and referrals to literacy programs & regional literacy networks
- Access to Trainingpost – LLO’s online Moodle classroom
- Access to resource materials, training materials, publicity materials
- Eligibility to participate as pilot sites for research and development projects
- Eligibility to serve on LLO’s Board of Directors
- Eligibility to nominate candidates to LLO’s Board of Directors
- Voting privileges at our Annual General Meetings
- Provincial voice for advocacy and public awareness
- Provision of government information to non-funded as well as funded programs
- Option to be part of a training system that provides training standards, accreditation, recognition, training, and resources, including online tutor workshops
- Professional Development
- Ongoing support and assistance to member agencies
- Affiliation with recognized international organization–ProLiteracy – the largest adult literacy movement in the world