Join the LLO Board of Directors

Six great reasons to join the  Laubach Literacy Ontario board

1.  You’ll gain a provincial perspective on adult literacy.

Laubach Literacy Ontario (LLO) is a volunteer-driven, non-profit charitable organization dedicated to increasing literacy in Ontario.

LLO is a Literacy and Basic Skills Agency funded by the Government of Ontario through Employment Ontario.

LLO is a provincial network of organizations, most of which are community-based literacy agencies. Other organizations include school boards, native programs, a centre for the deaf, and even a prison.

2.  You’ll increase your organization’s profile.

LLO is a member of ProLiteracy, CanadaHelps, and the Provincial Support Organizations for Literacy (PSOL).

Some of the current board members are from the following member agencies:

  • Sioux Hudson Literacy Council
  • Literacy Nipissing

3.  You’ll gain new skills and knowledge.

LLO’s board of directors includes staff and volunteers of LBS delivery agencies, adult literacy students, regional network staff, and external subject matter experts, and meets quarterly.

The board effectively oversees the policies, programs, and organizational operations including reviewing of achievement of strategic goals, financial status, and executive director performance.

4.  You’ll contribute your own unique skills and knowledge. 

The board is always looking for expertise in the following areas:

  • Human Resources
  • Policy Development
  • Board Governance
  • Tutor Training
  • Social Enterprise

5.  You’ll be a leader in an organization that embraces change and innovation.

Board members can chair or become a member of a committee.

Committees include:

  • Training, Development, and Certification
  • Student Committee
  • Policy Committee
  • Nominations Committee

6.  You’ll enjoy the camaraderie of a hard-working board.

The board typically meets 4-5 times per year, once face-to-face and 2-3 times online.

If there is a face-to-face board meeting, it takes place over 2 days – travel and accommodation costs are covered.

Board Members are elected at the Annual General Meeting in June of each year. Terms are 3 years. 



Let’s talk about the possibilities.

You’ll make a difference, you’ll learn lots, and you’ll enjoy sharing the skills and knowledge that you bring to the board table.  Your contributions will be valued and make a difference.

If interested in serving email the LLO office for board positions descriptions and a board application form:

We look forward to hearing from you!