Organizational Membership Application


Organizational members provide literacy delivery services in Ontario; are not-for-profit agencies (or affiliated with a not-for-profit agency) and support the mission, aims, and purposes of Laubach Literacy Ontario.  Through Laubach-affiliated programs, tutors and literacy practitioners provide one-to-one and small-group instruction for thousands of adult students annually. These students want to upgrade their literacy and essential skills based on their goals.   
LLO supports its member agencies with a training and accreditation system for tutors and tutor-trainers, training resources, and annual professional development events. Our Laubach Enhanced Training System ensures wide transferability of learning from program to program for the adult student for most geographic locations in the province. LLO provides an annual conference with workshops of interest to literacy practitioners, volunteer tutors, and literacy students.
LLO also has associate members–which is any organization, business, or individual supportive of the mission, aims, and purposes of LLO.

Organizational members provide literacy delivery services in Ontario, are not-for-profit agencies (or affiliated with a non-for-profit agency), and support the mission, aims and purposes of Laubach Literacy Ontario.

Annual Membership fee: $50.00

To join LLO as an Organizational Member, please submit the form below. If you require additional information, please call us at 1-519-743-3309.

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Organization Details

Organization Status
Is your organization an LBS program?
Type of Programming Offered

Payment and Acknowledgement


The annual Organizational Membership fee is $50. You can mail us a cheque to 8A-65 Noecker St, Waterloo, ON N2J 2R6. If you prefer, we can send you a regular or Paypal invoice. We have acknowledged the benefits of being a member of Laubach Literacy Ontario, and understand that in return we agree to become a member in good standing of LLO by: Supporting the aims and purpose of Laubach Literacy Ontario Providing literacy training primarily to youth and adults Exercising our right to vote by attending Annual General Meetings or sending in a proxy Providing LLO with annual statistics, and responding to requests for input