Training, Development and Certification Committee

Training, Development and Certification 

Purpose:  Develop and maintain standards for training and certification for the Province of Ontario in accordance with the vision, the mission and the policies of LLO.

Laubach Literacy Ontario is committed to providing our members with innovative services.  In the past, the Training, Development and Certification Committee (TDAC) improved and simplified the apprenticeship and certification process.

The certification process focuses on trainer proficiencies and takes prior learning and experience into account.  If you are from a member agency and are interested in becoming an Apprentice Trainer, please contact the office.

We have an online classroom where components of our three certified practitioner – training workshops are online–Tutor Training Workshop, Trainer Workshop and Supervising Trainer Workshop – as well as courses for Learners are available. More information can be found here:

Forms for Trainers and Tutors

LLO is committed to providing its membership with a high level of service. Please download and complete the forms below and send them to:

Executive Director
Laubach Literacy Ontario

P.O. Box 395 STN Waterloo

Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4A9